Company Information

Cambridge Car Club Limited is a company limited by guarantee.

Company number 01446647 – registered in England and Wales, date of incorporation 4/9/1979.

Registered Office 19 Youngman Avenue, Histon, Cambridge CB24 9HP.

Cambridge Car Club Limited is not registered for VAT.

The company has no formal place of business, but will usually meet each Wednesday evening at the Red Lion PH in Histon (27 High St, CB24 9JD) and other places from time to time.

For enquiries about the limited company contact the Chairman, Clive Grounds   chair (at)

Cambridge Car Club is the sporting name adopted by Cambridge Car Club Limited and the name that it is generally known by. Any events or activities organised by Cambridge Car Club are as Cambridge Car Club Limited.

Cambridge Car Club is a recognised club by Motorsport UK, registration no. 120523. Motorsport UK is recognised as the sole motor sport governing body for the United Kingdom by the world governing body, the Federation Internationale de L’Automobile (FIA).

Cambridge Car Club is a member of the following regional motorsport organisations:

  • Association of Eastern Motor Clubs (AEMC)
  • Anglian Motor Sport Club (AMSC)

For enquiries about the sporting aspects of the club contact the Competitions Secretary, Philip James   compsec (at)

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